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A brief history
Write a brief description of the project.
Where we are today
One of the first undertakings of the group was to describe the landscape of pediatric antimicrobial stewardship programs in Europe.
So far, RANIN-KIDS has established a surveillance mechanism for Hand Hygiene compliance in 9 different PICUs in 6 countries (Estonia, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, Switzerland) using WHO’s “5 moments of hand hygiene” methodology and developing self-training modules and unique data collection tools. The results have already been presented in European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases conference (Abstract O052 / #1277) (ESPID, 2020) and has been awarded the “2021 ESPID’s Research Networking Presentation Award”. Manuscript is to be submitted soon.
At the same time the RANIN-KIDS network has managed to generate important data on surgical prophylaxis in 10 units in 6 countries (Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) that identified targets for improvement in antibiotic use in pediatric surgery that can be easily attainable. This too has been presented in European conference (O066 / #1452) (ESPID, 2020)
You can find the abstracts here.